
谷勇1,*, 陈芳2, 吴昊1
1 中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所, 昆明650224; 2 云南省林业科学院, 昆明650204

通信作者:谷勇;E-mail: cafguyong@163.com;Tel: 0871-3860627

摘 要:

以版纳省藤的萌蘖芽为试材, 从取材、材料的处理、外植体的诱导分化、芽的增殖、生根以及影响试管苗形成几个 重要因素等方面探讨了版纳省藤组织培养和快速繁殖的技术和方法, 获得了生长素与细胞分裂素对芽的诱导分化及芽的增 殖最佳配比浓度。以改良 MS 为基本培养基, 在增殖培养基中添加 0.5 mg•L-1 NAA、0.5 mg•L-1 KT 和 0.1 mg•L-1 BA, 产生的 有效苗最多; 在生根培养基中添加1.5~2.0 mg•L-1 IBA生长素有利于版纳省藤组培苗生根。

关键词:版纳省藤; 组织培养; 快速繁殖

收稿:2010-08-05   修定:2010-09-06

资助:“十一五” 国家科技支撑项目(2006BAD19B09)。

Tissue Culture of Calamus nambariensis Becc. var. xishuangbannaensis S. J.Pei et S. Y. Chen

GU Yong1,*, CHEN Fang2, WU Hao1
1Institute of Resource Insects, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650224, China; 2Yunnan Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650204, China

Corresponding author: GU Yong; E-mail: cafguyong@163.com; Tel: 0871-3860627


The techniques and measures of tissue culture and rapid propagation of Calamus nambariensis Becc. var. xishuangbannaensis S. J. Pei et S. Y. Chen were carried out from some aspects, including sample preparation, explant differentiation, bud propagation, root generation and factors affecting test-tube plantlet formation. The results have been showed that the optimum medium for inducing bud differentiation is improved MS medium plus 0.5 mg·L-1 NAA, 0.5 mg·L-1 KT and 0.1 mg·L-1 BA, while adding 1.5–2.0 mg·L-1 IBA to the medium is favorable to root.

Key words: Calamus nambariensis Becc. var. xishuangbannaensis S. J. Pei et S. Y. Chen; tissue culture; rapid propagation

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